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Unlocking Generational CODES®
The Impact of Generational Diversity in the Workplace
April 15, 2025 | Hopkins, MN
Unlocking Generational CODES®
Program Overview
The impact of generational diversity in the workplace is greater than ever. From seasoned Baby Boomers with years of experience to hyper-connected Gen Zs, the workforce is increasingly diverse in terms of age, expectations, and demands.
Today, employing talent from five generations—requires leaders to leverage applied generational solutions to engage and retain talent.
Leaders are challenged to create an inclusive experience for a diverse multi-generational workforce that is empowered, informed, and very vocal. For example, what prior generations viewed as a privilege, today’s talent believes is their right:
- “I have the right to feel my voice is heard and honored.”
- “I have the right to a job that engages my heart, mind, and spirit.”
- “I have the right to a work environment that supports how my brain works.”
- “I have the right to choose my pronouns.”
This presentation will help leaders understand the issues and opportunities they face. Leaders will:
- Discover the table stakes workplace expectations from each generation’s point of view.
- Learn to improve recruiting, onboarding, retention, and feedback by leveraging the Generational CODES® – 10/10/10 System.
- Uncover how to optimize time, energy, and communication choices to engage each generation.
- Transform generational workplace upsets into retention tools.
In this program, Anna guides her audiences through a highly interactive 90-minute experience full of solutions and systems to unlock and leverage the wisdom of Generational CODES®.
Register Now: $50/Person

Anna Liotta
Founder of The Generational Institute™, and author of the bestselling “Unlocking Generational CODES,” is an award-winning speaker and business consultant. Anna is one of the world’s most sought-after thought leaders on generational leadership—with clients that include Amazon, Bloomberg, J & J, Coca-Cola, Johns Hopkins, Microsoft, PGA, and the NBA. In 2021, Anna was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame.
Anna’s generational journey began early (at birth to be exact). As the youngest girl of 19 children, Anna grew up in a household of six generations. This immersion research started Anna’s lifelong passion to understand “What Makes Each Generation Tick and What Ticks Them OFF?”